Top 5 Study Techniques That Will Help You Achieve A In WA1
Are you one of those students who are obsessed with the memorisation technique? Good news for you! After reading this blog, you no longer have to overwhelm your brain with terms and concepts that does not make sense to you. Every study revision will be a breeze for you, making your life so much easier! […]
Charting Your Future: JAE
The Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) takes place in January, right after the release of your O-Level results. If you meet the eligibility criteria for your preferred institutions, you can then apply for admission to JCs, MI, Polytechnics, or ITE by submitting your application online through the JAE Internet System (JAE-IS). Am I Eligible to […]
Which Route Should I Take?: The Polytechnic Route
Congratulations on finishing your O-Levels and moving one step closer to your tertiary education! As you consider your options for the Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE) or the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE), you might be wondering whether Junior College (JC) or Polytechnic (Poly) is the right choice for you. Welcome to the second instalment of our […]
Which Route Should I Take?: The JC Route
Congratulations on finishing your O-Levels and moving one step closer to your tertiary education! As you consider your options for the Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE) or the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE), you might be wondering whether Junior College (JC) or Polytechnic is the right choice for you. Welcome to the first instalment of our two-part […]
What Should My Child Expect in Secondary School Math?
Making the Leap from Primary to Secondary Math In their first year alone, Secondary 1 students are introduced to 14 different math topics that can be grouped into 10 major categories. As they progress to Secondary 3 and 4, students are expected to take Elementary Math (E-Math), and in many cases, Additional Math (A-Math) […]
What Should My Child Expect in Secondary School Science?
Making the Leap from Primary to Secondary Science Transitioning from primary to secondary school can be both exciting and daunting. Now that your child has completed their PSLE, you may worry about how they will handle the increased academic rigour. The new challenges of secondary school can be daunting. In primary school, the science curriculum […]
Transitioning to Secondary 1: A Whole New World
The shift from primary to secondary school can be a challenging period for both parents and children. As the familiar surroundings of the last six years are left behind, this transition introduces a completely new experience. The move to secondary school marks the beginning of a more demanding academic journey, bringing with it greater responsibilities […]
The Primary 6 to Secondary 1 Transition Might Shock you!
The Primary 6 to Secondary 1 Transition Might Shock you! Is Your Child Prepared for Secondary School? The transition from Primary 6 to Secondary 1 is a significant milestone in your child’s academic journey, and while it might bring about some exciting moments, the transitional period often comes as a shock to most students. The […]
What Does My Child’s Secondary Posting Mean?
Understanding the Role of Posting Groups in Full SBB Since 2024, the Normal (Technical), Normal (Academic), and Express streams have been replaced by Full Subject-Based Banding (Full SBB). Instead of the traditional streams, students are now assigned to posting groups 1, 2, and 3. These groups guide the initial subject levels a student can take […]
Is this Secondary School a Good Fit for My Child?
Is this Secondary School a Good Fit for My Child? Selecting the ideal secondary school for your child is a significant decision that requires careful consideration as the transition from primary to secondary school marks a crucial phase in their educational journey. Thus, the choice you make can greatly influence their academic and personal development. […]