
Secondary Holiday Programmes

Maximise the school holidays and term breaks wisely!

Join our Holiday Programmes to strengthen your child’s foundation, reinforce academic knowledge and increase their confidence in tackling commonly-tested exam & tricky non-routine questions that often stump students.

Don't miss out on the chance to empower your child and prepare them ahead of their peers!

The big question remains, “Should you allow your kids to study hard or play hard during the school holidays?” Without a doubt, your child (and you) deserves some time to rest and recharge your batteries. But by allowing your kids to play hard and not do any work at all, it will be hard to get them back on track when the term starts.

Our Holiday Programme is the perfect solution for you, Parents! With a myriad of thoughtfully-designed lessons, our Holiday Programmes provide a platform for your child to reinforce their fundamentals and achieve their greatest potential!

Help your child to jump grades with our Holiday Programmes!

Marks Accelerator Programme (M.A.P.)
M.A.P. is the way towards future success as we prepare your child for the upcoming term.
Headstart Programme​
Empower your child to transit seamlessly to the next phase of their education journey via our Headstart Programme.
Other Special Programmes​
We conduct special workshops such as “Exam Crash Course”, “Masterclasses” and “Intensive Topical Revision Programme” to fully equip your child with the skills they need to tackle the upcoming exams, e.g. critical exam answering skills and a tight grasp of key concepts.

Marks Accelerator Programme (M.A.P.)

Hop Off Towards Academic Success

M.A.P. is designed as a fun and enriching session for the budding young minds to:
  • Gain a headstart with upcoming topics in order to get ahead of
    his/ her peers
  • Strengthen key foundation
  • Revise and catch up on past content
  • Receive pinpoint guidance on specific areas of weakness
  • Hone essential exam skills with our signature strategies – e.g.
    Mastering the Art of Answering Exam Questions
Suitable For
What To Expect

Headstart Programme

Our Head Start Programme is held at the end of the academic year, integrated with our regular curriculum.

Designed to jumpstart your child’s next phase of education, this programme will introduce your child to some topics and concepts that they will see in the next year’s syllabus to assist in a seamless transition to the next phase of their education journey, reduce learning anxiety and greatly boost your child’s confidence and drive to excel!

Suitable For
What To Expect

Other Special Programmes

1. Exam Crash Course

Our Exam Crash Course is specially curated for students who need that last boost and final ‘drilling’ before their exams. During this course, our subject specialists will consolidate the important heuristics, concepts and key points for the term through rigorous practice of commonly tested and new trend exam questions to better prepare and equip students and boost their exam confidence.

1. Exam Crash Courses

2. Masterclasses

Our Masterclasses are designed to provide students a useful road map on exam revision with an emphasis on the importance of revision of previous years concepts. Each class will cover different critical skills and concepts they need to master and equip themselves with in preparation for the major exams.
What To Expect

3. Intensive Topical Revision Programme

Our Intensive Topical Revision Programme is for students who need the extra revision to brush up on topics that they still struggle with. We select topics that students find most challenging and drill through the main teaching points and concepts that most students end up scratching their heads trying to comprehend.

What To Expect

Our Primary School Specialist Teachers

Our teachers know exactly what’s expected of a student and the skills and knowledge that every student should be equipped with, to do well in their next exams.

We’ve been teaching for the past 20 years in our professional careers as educators and we have marked revision and exam papers for a decade. We have pored over hundreds of exam papers from 100 different secondary schools and O’level papers for the past decade.

We have then created our own lessons materials that is aimed on building subject-specific content knowledge and exam-ready skills. Lessons are also tailored to suit any child of any ability so as to ensure that they are able to handle the rigour and complexity of secondary school content, which is vastly different from primary school, with the help of our materials.