With the PSLE results tentatively set to be released between 20 to 22 November at 11 am, it is therefore important to understand what your child’s Secondary 1 (S1) posting entails. When you collect your child’s results, you will also receive the S1 Option Form and the Eligibility Letter. If neither you nor your child can collect the PSLE results in person, make sure to nominate another adult to do so using the proxy form.
Key S1 Posting Documents: The S1 Option Form
The S1 Option Form is crucial in the S1 posting process. It contains a unique S1 Pin located at the top right-hand corner. This S1 Pin is your key to accessing the S1 Internet System (S1-IS), where you will submit your child’s school choices and later check their S1 posting results. Ensure the S1 Pin remains confidential to prevent unauthorised access. You should receive the S1 Option Form in a sealed envelope. If it’s unsealed, notify your child’s primary school immediately to safeguard the process.
Key S1 Posting Documents: The Eligibility Letter
The Eligibility Letter is an important document that details your child’s eligibility for different aspects of the S1 posting. This includes their posting group, which will determine the academic intensity of the subjects your child will take in Secondary 1. For example, if your child is eligible for both Posting Group 2 and Posting Group 3, you must select the group that best matches your child’s academic ability. Remember, your chosen Posting Group will apply to all submitted school choices in the S1 posting process.
The Eligibility Letter also provides information on your child’s eligibility for language programmes such as Higher Mother Tongue or a Third Language, any posting advantages for admission to Special Assistance Plan (SAP) schools, as well as outlining your child’s eligibility for the Edusave Scholarships for Independent Schools, or the UPLIFT Scholarship, if applicable.
Key Steps of The S1 Posting Process
Once the PSLE results are released, you will have 7 days to submit your child’s preferred secondary schools for S1 posting. The S1-IS opens at 11.30am on the day of the results release and remains available 24/7 until 3pm on the last day. During this time, you can submit up to 6 school choices online using the information from the S1 Option Form.
During the S1 posting process, students are assigned to secondary schools based on their academic merit. This means that schools consider students with higher PSLE scores first for their preferred choices. It is important to use all 6 options, ensuring a range of Cut-Off Points (COPs) and ranking your preferred school choices higher. Make sure to include at least 2 to 3 schools where your child’s PSLE score exceeds the school’s previous year’s COP to improve their chances of securing one of their chosen schools in the S1 posting.
If none of your child’s selected schools can offer a place, the Ministry of Education will place them in a school with remaining vacancies, considering their PSLE score and registered address.
When to Expect the Results
The posting results will be released between 18 to 20 December via the S1-IS website, SMS, and through your child’s primary school. Keep an eye out for these dates!
To help you make better informed decisions during the posting process, stay tuned for our upcoming article, where we’ll discuss key factors to consider when selecting and ranking your child’s school choices to increase the likelihood of securing a spot in one of their preferred schools.